Whatsapp Backup

Alternative way to restore WhatsApp chat history...

Whatsapp Backup

A major problem for users on the world's most popular messaging app is restoring chat history when the history is restored from a backup, but the application hangs even after the restore is 100% visible. And as a result, you have to wash your hands of your chat history.

For a long time now, WhatsApp has not been able to come up with a solution to this problem, leaving the user with no choice but to abandon 'Backup Restore', and chat history is lost. Is.

But now telecommunications experts have come up with a workable alternative solution to the long-standing problem facing WhatsApp's Android users.

The procedure is as follows:

Unlink your WhatsApp account from Google Drive.

Log in to your Google Account at https://drive.google.com, then open Settings, go to Manage Apps, click on WhatsApp Messenger, go to Options and click Disconnect from Drive.

Now uninstall the WhatsApp.

Then using the file manager select the last saved database file from "/user/Android/Media/com.whatsapp/WhatsApp/Databases" and rename it to msgstore. db '' by doing crypt. Leave the extension as it is.

Whatsapp Backup

For example, if the extension is ".crypt12", then the new name of the database file should be "msgstore.db.crypt12". If this path does not exist, try using "WhatsApp / Databases" or "/ user / WhatsApp / Databases".

Now reinstall the WhatsApp and login using the account number.

After logging in, WhatsApp will try to get a backup from Google Drive, but it will not be able to find the backup because it is unlinked from WhatsApp Drive.

WhatsApp has already been renamed after a failed backup from G Drive...

Related: WhatsApp chat backup deletion from Google drive

Whatsapp Backup

After a failed backup from G Drive, WhatsApp will successfully restore the backup by selecting the previously renamed local backup.
And after restoring the chat history, you can re-link your WhatsApp to your Google Account...

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